7 Physical Health Benefits Of Laughter

Did you know that there are many physical benefits to laughing? Most people don’t! Laughter is the physical sign of emotional happiness, but it doesn’t just stop with emotions and endorphins and serotonin reuptake in our brains. It effects all of our body systems in different ways. So find those people, things, and places that bring a smile to your face and induce those feel-good, deep belly laughs- and do it often!

  1. Blood Pressure  -Laughter has a positive effect on BP. When you laugh, your blood pressure initially increases, then lowers pas what is normal for you. This generates deeper breathing, sending more oxygenated blood to the body.

  2. Immune System   -Laughter reduces the stress hormones that zap our bodies of the antibodies we need in fighting infection.

  3. Heart Benefits   -Laughing may offer protection against heart attacks and stroke by expanding the inner lining of the walls of the arteries. When expanded, this inner lining increases blood flow. 

  4. Brain Benefits   -Both sides of the brain are stimulated during laughing. This brain stimulation reduces stress and muscle tension, enhancing attentiveness and brain function.

  5. Digestion   -Laughter’s positive effects on the intestinal tract aides in the absorption and digestion process. 

  6.  It’s Exercise   -Laughter exercises the diaphragm, midsection, face, muscles in the back, abdominal organs, and intestinal tract.

  7. Mood Elevator   -Laughter instantly elevates mood and acts as a form of therapy as stored feelings of anger and frustration are released. The ability to laugh at ourselves creates healthy self esteem. 

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